Tri thức doanh nghiệp

by GoEdu Academy



Share common learning data for your companyFully equipped with international standard soft skills ri...

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Share common learning data for your companyFully equipped with international standard soft skills right at home with Business Knowledge, Learning application to help you confidently practice in all fields"The courses not only eliminate geographical distance but also ensure quality, making it easy to self-study - practice - test" - According to Dan TriBusiness Knowledge App is a learning application with a list of nearly 20 courses, you can become an expert in the field of office computing with Excel Plus, PerfectSlide,.. a bright candidate in all industries. Career with Ketoanpro (Accounting), SuperHR (Human Resources Administration)1. An educational program taught by experts with more than 10 years of professional experience, who have been consultants, experts, and directors at large corporations2. The application is proven by 10,230 students who have studied and successfully become Masters in their chosen field. Students achieve high results in school and are ready to intern at large enterprises. Working people advance continuously with international standard skills equipped at GoEdu3. Extremely interesting and modern curriculum. Designed with 3 parts: Study - Practice - Test, ensuring quality in each lesson even if you study remotely.Study - Video lectures designed exclusively from Business Knowledge, divided into separate knowledge sections from General to Detailed according to the learning path. In addition to learning by video, learners can also interact directly with instructors through the weekly Zoom classroom system LiveClass and exchange learning in the official student community of Business Knowledge.Practice - With the purpose of fully equipping students with soft skills, Business Knowledge designs a system of practice exercises that follow the roadmap of each course. In each lesson, you will have practical experience, be guided by instructors and personally handle situations selected by experts in the profession.Check - Check with AI GoCheck technology is a feature that GoEdu developed itself and you cannot find on other learning platforms. Similar to a teacher grading each exercise and pointing out True - False points, students can know and self-assess their level of knowledge mastery and practice proficiency.4. The program is continuously updated and improved. In order to help students in Vietnam comprehensively develop international standard soft skills right at home, Business Knowledge is constantly developing and expanding its system of courses. Accompanying the learning app of Business Knowledge, you will experience more professions, multi-fields, and be accompanied by experts with many years of working experience in Vietnam and abroad.If you are a student, you can use the GoEdu app to fully prepare your skills and be ready to apply for a job at any large corporation.If you are a newbie, you can absolutely use the Business Knowledge app to learn and become a Master in your profession, confidently progressing continuously.If you are someone who wants to switch to another field, you will have complete practical experience in the new field with the learning app of Business Knowledge.